Our practice treats anyone over the age of 16 years. We treat depression, anxiety, trauma, personality disorders, relationship difficulties, addiction, and much more.
Please call our friendly team on 95208606 if you have any further questions.
withdrawing from close family and friends?
feeling overwhelmed, guilty, irritable or lacking in confidence?
tired all the time?
experiencing sleep problems?
having headaches and feeling run down?
having thoughts like, 'It’s all my fault' and ‘Life’s not worth living’?
"When you change the way you think, you can change the way you feel"
David D. Burns
have a racing heart, tightening of the chest or fast breathing?
feel tense, restless, wound up or edgy?
experience obsessive and repetitive thinking patterns?
avoid situations that make you feel anxious?
excessively worry about lots of different things?
"It is not the mountain we must conquer but ourselves"
Edmund Hilary
feel tense a lot of the time?
feel on edge?
have poor sleep patterns?
feel disconnected to your body at times?
feel ‘spacey’ or ‘out of it’?
feel fearful or wary of certain people or places?
have trouble controlling your anger?
often use alcohol, drugs, exercise etc to avoid difficult memories?
“Trauma creates change you don’t choose, healing is about creating change you do choose”
Michelle Rosenthal
Personality Disorders
have unstable relationships?
feel distant or disconnected to others?
have a sense of being ‘too much’ for some people in your life?
have extreme emotional mood swings?
have conflict in your close relationships?
feel unappreciated by those around you?
your emotions feel out of your control?
often feel anger and resentment to others?
“It is both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so deeply”
D. Jones
gaming, porn, gambling, sex, alcohol or drug use consumed your life?
addiction caused relationship problems or conflicts with others?
attempts to try to cut back or quit entirely not been successful yet?
You have skipped activities or stopped doing activities you once enjoyed in order to satisfy your addiction?
activities and interests that you used to enjoy had to stop or become less important in order to satisfy your addiction?
responsibilities for home, work or school deteriorated because of your addiction?